Exercise and movement por the people that are not suffering an injury. The objective of this service is to promote that the individual doesn`t reach the state of injury by doing everyday living activities. The strength and stability are two fundamental bases of the physical capacities of the human. Working the strength and stability prevents to reach pathological states and increases the physical capacities.
Training the strength and stability by guided exercises is beneficial for the different health objectives of each person:
- Sport injury prevention
- Sport performance
- Laboral prevention
- Physical capacity maintenance
- Enhances general health state
To prescribe de best exercise program for its person it is essential to first make an exhaustive functional assessment. Depending on the findings figured out on the assessment, we prescribe adequate exercises for the situation and objective of each person (prevent sport injury, prevent overuse working injuries etc.).
Once exercise prescription is made, it can be done in different ways:
- Individually in our facilities or in your habitual training places.
- In group guided training sessions.

It is indispensable to make a functional assessment before generating an exercise prescription in order to adapt it to what each person and injury needs. This assessment shows us the exact situation and state of the patient from a global point of view.
The aim of the assessment is to expose the possible deficits the person may have and can affect in an current injury or in a future injury. The aspects considered are the following:
- Strength
- Mobility
- Stability and balance
- Power
The trainer analyzes the results and generates a report in which the negative findings of the assessment are explained. This report is the best starting point before prescribing exercises to fulfil the patient’s needs.

Depending on both the findings obtained by the trainer in the initial assessment and the evolution of the injury, a specific exercise prescription is created.
The aims of the prescribed exercises are:
- To enhance the deficits shown in the assessment.
- To increase the physical capacities depending on each objective.
The objective of this session is to show the report created with the findings of the assessment as well as to show all the prescribed exercises, which are handed over in a chart and in videos.

The person carries out the prescribed exercises under the continuous and individualized supervision of the trainer.
The trainer is continuously examining the execution of the exercise and makes the needed corrections in every moment.
Moreover, we have specific gadgets and machines for the rehabilitation of injuries because our main objective is to ease the patient’s recovery process.

The person carries out the prescribed exercises under the continuous supervision of the trainer in a 4 people group exercise dynamic.
The objective is that the person will learn and internalize in the best way the exercises y an ambient where the adherence to the exercise is promoted. It’s known that doing exercise in group and sharing experiences with other people, along with adding them to a weekly routine plan enhances de aforementioned adherence to the exercise so that the possibilities of therapeutic success increase.
The groups will be created considering the type of pathology to be the as specific as possible.
- Sport Prevention
- Laboral Prevention
- Functional Training
- Training for de elderly
- Stretching
- Etc.