Due to its easy and immediate access, it has turned into the reference diagnostic, prevention, and treatment guide technique. It is a tool that allows to do a more objective assessment, making a qualitative step in exploration. In addition, it is also indispensable to conduct invasive treatment techniques with the most possible precision, which are called echo guided techniques.
If there is the suspicion of having any of the next pathologies, it is the indicated assessment technique.
- Muscle strain
- Tendinopathy (tendinitis)
- Ligament sprain or rupture
- Arthropathy
- Effusion
- Vascular pathologies (Deep vein thrombosis)
- Neural pathologies
- Fracture
In case of seeing that it corresponds to a medic competence, we don´t doubt on sending the patient to the best professionals, completing this way a multidisciplinary work amongst doctors, physiotherapists, osteopaths, nutritionists, podiatrists, and rehabilitation team.
It is an invasive and non-painful technique that bases on treating the nervous system as responsible of possible local, segment or central disfunctions. Thanks to the neuromodulation changes are made in the “nervous current” to ensure that the nerve, which is equivalent to a copper cable in the electric current, may be in harmony and is capable of sending and receiving adequately the information without provoking any alteration.
Movement limitations such as shoulder abduction, cervical rotations, neural syndromes like carpal tunnel syndrome, or sciatica.
Treatment techniques in which needles are used to access certain tissues that are not palpable by hands.
It consists in the percutaneous application of a galvanic electric current stimulating the affected tissue directly through a needle.
This tool permits to deal with pathologies on soft tissue and to apply them a biologic treatment. Activates the first phase in the regenerative process, which is altered.
Its mayor indication are tendinopathies and the chronic fibrotic scars. Permits to destroy the degenerated tissue and cause a posterior inflammatory phase, which is necessary for the process of reparation. The healthy tissue is not compromised and the destroyed one is metabolized by the organism. It is crucial that this treatment must be followed by therapeutic exercise in the regeneratice phase.
Patellar tendinopathy, Achilles tendinopathy, supraspinous tendinopathy, etc.
Fibrotic scar tissue on the biceps femoral, rectus femoris, soleus, gastrocnemius etc.
The myofascial trigger points are nodules localized in a tense band of muscle fibres. These points can cause characteristic referred pain, hypersensitivity to the pressure or even motor disfunctions. With the dry needling, a needle is introduced on that trigger point reproducing a local spasm and thereby liberating the muscular tension.
Muscles such as trapezius, piriformis, quadriceps, soleus, etc.
The Shockwave Therapy are high energy acoustic waves that are generated by different technological ways being differentiated for its focal o radial generator.
Actually, Shockwave therapy is being very used in regenerative medicine, and in musculoskeletal disorders for treating inflammation, calcification, fibrosis, condral disorders and pain. It is by means a habitual first line therapeutic procedure in physiotherapy, traumatology, and sport medicine.
The physiological effects of the shockwave therapy and its way of acting are the next: they cause microscopic interstitial and extracellular biological effects that promotes mechanotransduction (converting mechanical stimulus in chemical), thereby helping regenerating tissues by creating new blood vessels and producing collagen.
It is based on a cellular therapy that with the application of heat in a determined frequency, intensity ant time accelerates the natural mechanisms of tissue repair so that the patient can recover as soon as possible. The objectives are the reduction of pain and inflammation, and to accelerate and enhance the processes of curation. It is very helpful as much in chronic and acute pain, in relaxing tense areas and especially on reducing the recuperation times y sporting pathologies.
AEROflow uses different types of cups that apply negative pressure to the skin, which helps to manipulate the soft tissue. By combining the two systems: dynamic and static, AEROflow decreases the muscle tone, resulting in an improvement in the range of motion and local blood flow.
AEROflow new technology will allow you to deliver:
- Treatments to improve the range and quality of movement
- Treatments to improve miofascial restrictions
- Reducement on the muscle tension
- Drainage improvement
- Scar tissue treatment
The High Energy Inductive Therapy, also known as super inductive therapy, is the application of high intensity waves or magnetic fields to the human body. Its objective is to recharge the damaged cells by the stimulation of electromagnetic fields. This therapy has beneficial effects for the organism at a cellular level, therefore reducing pain and treating injuries in a natural way. The electromagnetic fields can cross cells, tissues, organs and bones, as well as activate the electrochemistry of the tissues and thus enhance the function of the cellular membrane.
The High Energy Inductive Therapy has proven very efficient not only for pain treatment, but also for improving muscular tone, blood flow and activating the musculoskeletal regenerative processes.
This therapy is highly indicated for spinal pain, frozen shoulder, carpal tunnel syndrome, neural regeneration, rheumatoid arthritis, pelvic pain, sciatica, tendinopathies and fracture healing.
It is a myofascial technique which is applied with a hook shaped tool over the skin. The principal objective is to remove adherences and open muscular septums with the purpose of reducing the muscular and fascial tension and overload.
“The osteopathy, in a context of a holistic patient’s approach, treats the patient as a whole.”
It is a therapeutic discipline and a combination of specific knowledge based on anatomy, physiology, and how do different tissues take part in the production of the disease and in the application on techniques to normalize the altered functions.
The osteopathic intervention makes a thorough functional diagnose which based on it uses a combination of methods and techniques with therapeutic and preventive purposes, that manually applied over, amongst other, muscular, articular, soft, nerve tissues, obtain in a direct or referred way, reactions that equilibrate and normalize the different alterations enhancing and resolving the clinical case, having a special impact on its pain manifestations.
It is orientated to act over the tissues that take part on the visceral functions, related fibrosus membranes, muscles, different layers of organ gliding, vascularization, nerves and all the tissues that ensure the organic functioning. Those have to be free on their anatomic paths, which does not always happen due to adherences, scarring and myofascial tractions that difficult the normal mobility of the viscera. The visceral manual techniques help liberating the interruptions on the mobility flow, what offers to the organism a more useful, productive, and healthy functional base.
Hiatus hernias, constipation, irritable colon, menstrual pathologies, aerophagias, dysphagia, reflux, etc.
It is directed toward the musculoskeletal system, where different techniques are applied adapted to each disfunction, each tissue, and each patient, making the physiotherapist do during all the treatment session a continuous and thorough analysis and decision making about which technique to use and which joint to manipulate.
Discal hernias, protrusions, articular blocks, braquial paralysis, sciatica, etc.